Spring Ain’t Sprung
Kidding. Not. First in February about a bizzioulion tons of snow fell, then   a few weeks later the wind and rain  and sun came and turned it to mushy ugly brown and grey, now it’s turned into a slippery concrete strength layer of death. Our whole house and everywhere for miles is the same. I think the Queen of Narnia has gotten in somehow. It’s so shiny and pretty, but you can’t leave the house or you might start sliding and never stop. Really. Hugh was laying Meara on her back the other day and pushing her along without a sled and she was gliding across the whole yard. And yes, she did get hurt after Dad got carried away and push his lil fragile’ daughter like she was a line backer. Daddy’s are so funny. I’m trying to update most of the pages and maybe add a few, so check back.
we live in the tundra
Tuesday, March 20, 2007