Farm Livin’ is the life for me
Come on in and stay a while!
Summer 2007
Our third summer in Strong and we’re loving it. We’ve been doing all kinds of great fix ups to the house and farm. Our hens are all grown up and so are the goats. We have farm fresh eggs now and we’ll be working on the dairy stuff next. Check out the site for updates.
Update Winter 2006/7
This is our second winter in Strong. It started out mild but then got nasty. The four feet or so of snow won’t seem to melt and I’m really getting sick of it. So are the farm critters. The chickens and goats have been barn bound for over a month. I’ve adding new pics and will be updating a few other things so thanks for visiting.
Since moving from Montana to Maine we’ve experienced plenty of changes. It’s a whole new world here. We’ve gone from the Savannah to the Rain Forest. From the Big Sky to the Big Forest. It’s been really exciting. We lived in the big city of Augusta for a while but it’s been over a year now that we’ve been here in Strong. Our town is pretty little, a gas station/convenience store, hardware store, service station, post office and a handful of other places. Mostly homes. It’s definitely a farming town. Besides the sounds of our chickens and goats we can hear donkeys, sheep, a variety of roosters and other odd bird calls including what I think may be a peacock and even a distant cow can be heard occasionally.
We have plenty of wildlife too. Wild turkeys, chipmunks and squirrels, groundhogs, coyotes, and recently a moose crossed the intersection and walked down our driveway and straight through the garden. Horse size tracks were left behind.  
Thanks for visiting our farm online.
The Fennell’s (with two ll’s)
We have over 8 acres of wonderfully diverse land. Pasture and forest, some hills, a river and  brook, berries, fruit trees and unlimited space to garden. Our land has plenty of space for our growing array of farm animals too. We plan on adding a few more as money and time allow. We’re raising our critters and growing our garden organically, and trying to do everything as naturally as possible. Visit often.